  • ¶¶Òõapp has partnered with Paper to provide unlimited access to trained tutors so every student in grades 3-12 can ask questions, work through problems, and grow their confidence—at no cost to families.

    is an online, on-demand tutoring service that provides students with unlimited, 24/7 academic support. Whether they’re stuck on homework, studying for a test, or need someone to read and make suggestions to their writing, there will always be experts available online to assist students one-on-one in and in more than 4 languages. See to learn more.

    have been specially trained to conduct expert, academic support in a secure, chat-based platform. With a commitment to helping students learn, they’ll never give students answers, but rather facilitate deeper learning by asking guiding questions and providing timely encouragement.

    Paper tutors act as 24/7 teaching assistants, so teachers can allocate instructional time effectively knowing their students always have an extra helping hand. Teachers are always able to review student sessions to identify learning gaps and adjust their instruction as needed.

    To learn more about how Paper supports families and to sign up for a caregiver webinar, please visit:

Last Modified on May 24, 2022